Review before meeting to play.
1. Memory alphabet game- Start at A go to Z. Each person adds an element to the story with the letter that they have. They can change the story with vocal variety and exaggeration.
2. Negative to Positive- reframe the story either way. Example: I hate my extra weight, but it does qualify me for World Women’s Wrestling!
3. Raise the Stakes- Start a story and add more good elements to the story.
4. Headlines- State a headline. Keep it short. The next person takes the last word of the previous headline and makes up a new headline.
5. Yes, and- Start a story and then use this phrase to continue.
6. Dialog Game- 2 people start dialog. In the dialog establish the relationship, location, conflict, and resolution. Keep the dialog short.
7. PIXAR Story- Story format:
• Once upon a time
• Everyday
• But one day
• Because of that
• Because of that
• Until finally or ever since then, as ending wrap up
8. Pass the Object Game- Pick up anything and make it something else.
9. Read My Lips- One person mutes and says something. The other people try and guess what they said.
10. One Word at a Time- Table Topics game. Each person adds one word to the last person.
11. Name Five Things- Give a category and have the next person lists 5 things about it. Calls on next person to continue.
12. 185 Ducks Walk into a Bar- Bartender says, “We don’t serve your type here”. The ducks answer with silly answers.
13. Frozen Face- Person make a crazy face or gesture and the others make statements about what the face is saying.
14. Two Truths and a Lie- Tell three things about yourself. See if others can guess which is true and which is a lie.
15. 6 Word Story - In the manner of Hemingway, short story in 6 words. Next person starts new story.
16. Dictionary- First person makes up a word, second person makes up a definition and the third person will use the word in a sentence.
17. Do You Know what I Like About You? - Lead person chooses another person and says” __name of person, “Do you know what I like about you? “The person says something about themselves- “I am generous”; The first person repeats the question, the person says another idea and then the third time the Leader details what they like about the selected person.
18. What Are You Doing? - Lead person does an action, the second person asks:” (Name of person), What are you Doing? The first person says something crazy, and the new person mimics the first person’s antic and says something entirely different. The third person, etc. continues the same pattern of doing a movement and questioning.
19. Fortunately, Unfortunately- With Object or without- First person finds an object and starts the game with fortunately and tells us about the object. The second person changes to “Unfortunately” and uses a new object to continue. Keep the objects going and change the words back and forth. You can play this game without object also.
20. Change Emotions – Leader calls out an emotion and everyone or one person acts it out.
21. Two Words Connect- First person says a word and the next person says the first thought that comes into mind.
22. New Choice- Start a story and the other person says New Choice and the story changes.
23. Members of the Press- One Person leaves the room (goes to breakout room). Other people are members of the press. They chose an occupation, character, animal, etc. that the returning person must guess. The returning person asks questions of the press until they know what or who they are.
24. I Feel Like a…- Describes how they feel. It can be anything alive or dead.
25. Ifferisms- Jeff Foxworthy humor. If your (action/thought) you might be (profession).
26. Guess What Happens Next? Exactly! Player 1 begins telling a story. Then they ask Player 2, “Guess what happens next?” What ever they say, is accepted as EXACTLY right. It is incorporated into the story and the story continues.
27. Limericks
5 lines long with AABBA rhyme scheme – the first line must rhyme with the 2nd and 5th line.
And lines 3 and 4 must rhyme. They are usually funny, silly, nonsensical.
Bonus: Limerick Rhythm
First 2 lines and the last line have 3 “beats” in them, while the third and fourth lines have 2 “beats.”
da DUM da da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM
da DUM da da DUM da da DUM
there WAS a young FELLow named HALL
who FELL in the SPRING in the FALL.
‘twould have BEEN a sad THING
had he DIED in the SPRING,
but he DIDn’t — he DIED in the FALL.
28. Scene Prompts
Improv prompts are random scenarios for improvisation activities. For example, “newlyweds booking
honeymoon on Mars” or “Superheroes adjust to retirement.” The purpose of these prompts is to give
players a starting point for unscripted sketches.
29. Cause and Effect
The group improvises a story with each player contributing the next line. Each line begins with the
word “because”, reiterates the previous offer, and then contributes the next. Do it fast and have fun!
Example: Player 1: Mary entered the room. Player 2: Because Mary entered the room, Bob was
startled dropping a vase. Player 3: Because Bob dropped the vase, their dog jumped out of the way.
Life is an improvisation with infinite possibilities!